A blog documenting our journey south and west through farms and parks
Monday, September 26, 2016
The Adams Family
* For this post, again something different! The previous posts have all been horrifically long (to write and to read) so we're gonna focus on the pictures this time. We will basically have pictures tell the story of this week with words taking a supplementary role. Also, we will both type this post together. *
Day Fifteen (Wednesday, September 14th)
We got groceries and shit for some munchies we'd have later when Jamie (Happy Belly) and David came to play card games. Eventually we realized that we would need more olive oil so Karol and Darrell took a ride back to the grocery store, stopping to get gas. Karol took these pictures of a logging company across the street:
Lotta wood
So much wood
Charlotte helped Lorette prepare a smorgasbord of snacks: chips (bought) and salsa, pea (not pee) pesto, crostini, caprese salad, jezebel dip (cream cheese with hot pepper jam (makes your tongue crisp up a little)), crackers, cheese, pepperoni, and then some holy shit fucking good spinach and artichoke quesadillas, and chorizo quesadillas. We played the card game Spoons first, had snacks, then played the fuck out of cards against humanity. We played until there were no white cards left. It was a wonderful time!
Yeah this is a terrible picture
Day Sixteen (Thursday, September 15th)
Tree choppin. Before going outside, Karol took some pictures of these birds eating sunflower seeds.
Blue Jays, one caught in flight
He was surprised that they produced so many seeds (there were birds eating them daily), but he never managed to go outside quickly enough to grab some. This was his morning. He took the picture and shortly thereafter went outside and stole some seeds. Later in the day he finally asked and found out Darrell has like a barrelful of them... Anyway. Then we went out to make more branch piles.
Polesaw, pre-chain-tightening
We had to stop the day before because of hornets, but Darrell sprayed their little asses and took the whole nest down to the brush pile this morning:
Humans: 1 Hornets: 0
On we went then, gathering branches, avoiding apples and insects. These two mushrooms started out much smaller and much whiter when we arrived:
Mushrooms grow huge here
At this point, we had 5 feeder piles around the main burn pile
Gotta avoid the apple diarrhea
Near the property line, there are some of these things with blue stuff that rubs off to reveal the green stalk.
Yet another load brought the total number of branches even higher.
After we gathered enough to tire Darrell out, we started to get ready to go golfing on a neighbor's private golf course!
I guess this was after a shower
He's had the course for about 20 years, just recently expanding to 12 holes from nine. It's a really nice course, especially since he maintains it himself.
After the first tee off (which of course I forgot to take pictures of)
Lorette giving it the old college try
Hole 4? idk. This is Charlotte's favorite picture of the course
Darrellino's up!
Swing batta batta
Laugh it up fuzzball
This is Karol's favorite picture of the course
The hole is straight up from where the ball is, which is in the wrong fairway. Karol did a good job teeing off here.
Weird circle, I guess it's just aliens.
After we got back from golfing, it was finally time to burn. Charlotte and Lorette stayed inside, writing and resting. Darrell gathered some garbage while Karol fucked around taking more pictures (to give you an idea of how much there was to burn):
Pre-burn post-golf pre-sunset post-haste!
The pile was at least 10 feet high
Within seconds of lighting cardboard
This is three minute later. Karol and Darrell had to back up because of the intense heat of these twenty-foot flames!
It would take a swarm of people to feed it fast enough
15 minutes later
Lorette and Charlotte came out eventually, surprised to see the fire mostly burnt out (Charlotte didn't believe Karol when he said it was just about done). We hung out near the fire for a little bit - it was nice and warm. The smoke was curling curiously:
Within 20 minutes most of the branches were gone
Day Seventeen (Friday, September 16th)
They have a hummingbird feeder!
On the way to Karol's tattoo, we went to a humongous used book store in Houlton. Charlotte could literally spend all day there. There were so many books. Charlotte bought two Richard Laymon horror novels. We stopped by the tattoo shop when we got to Lincoln to find out whether they accepted credit cards and to ask about a good place to stop for lunch.
DNA Tattoo in Lincoln, Maine
Food was okay. We had a wonderful time with Damien, the tattoo artist who worked on Karol's tattoo! We got along really well and it would have been nice to hang out with him and his family, if only we were in the area longer.
Before color - Karol didn't have pictures of the beginning of this travel tatoo because he didn't want his butt all over the internet (there is devil's ivy going down his leg which necessitates his ass being out for a good picture of it)
Karol is very happy with how this is coming along!
The moon was enormous on the way back, it was like a sun (as you can barely tell in this wonderful picture)
Day Eighteen (Saturday, September 17th)
This is all that was left of the burn pile the next day.
We helped Darrell with more branches briefly in the morning. Then we went along to run multiple errands with both Lorette and Darrell. We ended up going to the Happy Belly for a delicious lunch.
MUST GO if you're near Caribou, Maine (he's closed for the season now though)
We went to the store for a couple things and saw this totally awesomely named chocolate!
We ended the night with a game of Chinese checkers and then some yahtzee! Not much dinner because our bellies were so happy.
Day Nineteen (Sunday, September 18th)
We got up later because Sunday and started cooking bacon.
It was so good and there was so much. The bacon on the left literally melted, like butter.
Lorette made some more sausage, this time spiced apple flavored.
The pancake looking thing is a ploye, an Acadian crepe-like food-object.
Charlotte intensely concentrating on her magic trick.
We hung out this Sunday. Watched a movie, played some yahtzee, had chicken parm for dinner (homemade sauce, organic thicken thighs, oozing mozzarella (sorry no picture)), and ate ice cream!
Day Twenty (Monday, September 19th)
Foggy morning, taken at 7:05.
We took the car to the mechanic to replace the front wheel bearings (and days later started hearing two new sounds which just takes Karol back to the speed6 days). When we got back (Darrell gave us a ride), there were people working on the house (two rooms and some stairs that they've been sanding for weeks). We hung out while Lorette made brownies and zucchini-banana bread. When she was done, we started making dinner.
Bobblehead Charlotte picked fresh green peppers for sauce!!!!!!111!11!1
We made pesto porkloin, roasted buttercup squash, brown sugar carrots, and more chips of course!
It's kinda like the 3D Doiritos that they stupidly stopped making!
It's a carrumpkin! (Carrot that had a mostly thin body, Karol bit that part off)
This is all that was left of dinner, didn't think to take a picture of it because of how ridiculously delicious it was.
This is Charlotte's art.
Day Twenty One (Tuesday, September 20th)
Though large and unwieldy (plus uncleanable), this window adds a gorgeous view.
On Tuesday we mostly reorganized the car, packing our clothes and games back in the trunk, had some burritos for dinner, and played Yahtzee again!
Karol had a good start to this game.
Karol ran outside to take this picture during Yahtzee.
Charlotte remembered and redrew a drawing that an old friend found from when he was a kid.
This is what we look like now (for now).
We had a fantastic time staying with Lorette and Darrell in Mars Hill, only regretting that we couldn't stay longer. They very graciously welcomed us back any time and we just can't wait to visit again! It's weird being homeless.
Wednesday we left for Salem. Spoiler alert: it wasn't what we expected. Like, zero witches.
On to the next adventure!